Positively Safe: Addressing the Intersection of DV and HIV/AIDS Toolkit
This toolkit aims to provide domestic violence and HIV/AIDS service providers with information and resources to enhance services for persons exposed to HIV/AIDS and domestic violence. The information provided here addresses frequently asked questions, common challenges, best practices, templates for adaptation, and resources for additional information and assistance. Several resources support building collaborative partnerships and […]
Transitional Housing Toolkit
This toolkit is meant to provide transitional housing providers with easy access to information and resources to enhance services to survivors. The information provided here addresses frequently asked questions, common challenges, best practices, templates for adaptation, and resources for additional information and assistance. Please select a category to access the resources for that topic. Contact Us for […]
نموذج رسالة إلى المالك
This Template Letter to the Landlord (Arabic) form is part of the Transitional Housing Toolkit and meant to provide transitional housing providers with a variety of resources and templates to enhance their work.
نموذج أفضل الممارسات: مجموعة المعلومات التعريفية
This Template Welcome Packet (Arabic) form is part of the Transitional Housing Toolkit and meant to provide transitional housing providers with a variety of resources and templates to enhance their work.
نموذج أفضل الممارسات: دليل التخطيط الشخصي
This Personal Planning Guide (Arabic) form is part of the Transitional Housing Toolkit and meant to provide transitional housing providers with a variety of resources and templates to enhance their work.
نموذج أفضل الممارسات: طلب الإسكان
This Template Application (Arabic) form is part of the Transitional Housing Toolkit and meant to provide transitional housing providers with a variety of resources and templates to enhance their work.
تقديم التماس بشأن رفض طلب الحصول على خدمات برنامج الإسكان المؤقت
This Template Appeal Process (Arabic) form is part of the Transitional Housing Toolkit and meant to provide transitional housing providers with a variety of resources and templates to enhance their work.
نموذج خطاب التحقق من المشارك
This Template Participant Verification Letter (Arabic) form is part of the Transitional Housing Toolkit and meant to provide transitional housing providers with a variety of resources and templates to enhance their work.
نموذج أفضل الممارسات: عملية التظلم والنموذج الخاص بها
This Template Grievance Procedure (Arabic) form is part of the Transitional Housing Toolkit and meant to provide transitional housing providers with a variety of resources and templates to enhance their work.
نموذج لأفضل الممارسات: طلب إطالة مدة الإقامة في المسكن
This Template Housing Extension Waiver (Arabic) form is part of the Transitional Housing Toolkit and meant to provide transitional housing providers with a variety of resources and templates to enhance their work.
نموذج لأفضل الممارسات: دليل القبول
This Template Intake Guide (Arabic) form is part of the Transitional Housing Toolkit and meant to provide transitional housing providers with a variety of resources and templates to enhance their work.
مسرد لمستندات مجموعة أدوات برنامج الإسكان المؤقت
This Toolkit Glossary (Arabic) is part of the Transitional Housing Toolkit and meant to provide transitional housing providers with a variety of resources and templates to enhance their work.
حصول الناجين من الاعتداء الجنسي على الخدمات المقدمة بموجب برنامج ِمنَحالسكنالمؤقتTransitional Housing Grant Programالتابع لمكتب Office on Violence Against Women
تلبية احتياجات السكن وخدمات الدعم للناجين من العنف الجنسي في برامج السكن المؤقت