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Survivors can't wait. Congress must support the CVF Stabilization Act and prevent catastro [Read More]

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Resource library
Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Inclusion – EJ Summit 2018
Panelists Laura Glaza from The Allstate Foundation Purple Purse, Tracey Breeden of Uber, and Wendy Bradshaw, Thirty-One Gifts, collaborated on this presentation about connecting business to social causes.
The New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NYSCADV) prepared this presentation, which draws upon NYSCADV's experience providing trainings for disaster response workers
Paid Sick and Safe Leave: Helping Survivors & Their Families Stay Safe Without Losing a Job or Paycheck – EJ Summit 2018
This presentation explaining emerging legal protections for survivors in the workplace was shared at the 2018 Economic Justice Summit in Las Vegas, NV.
VOCA and Housing: Successes, Challenges, and Tips – EJ Summit 2018
This presentation about the Victims of Crime Act and housing was shared at the 2018 Economic Justice Summit in Las Vegas, NV.
Monica McLaughlin, NNEDV Director of Public Policy created this overview of federal advocacy and local advocates role in impacting it.