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Survivors can't wait. Congress must support the CVF Stabilization Act and prevent catastro [Read More]

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Resource library
Tips for Domestic Violence Providers
This tip sheet, meant for DV providers, outlines the options a provider has when working with a survivor who might be at risk of or diagnosed with HIV/AIDS.
Safety Planning
This resource provides service providers with an understanding of safety planning, with specific sections on sexual safety and injection drug safety.
Linkage to and Retention in Care for People Living with HIV/AIDS
This resource outlines the importance of linkage to care and what barriers come into play for individuals living with HIV when it comes to getting care.
HIV/AIDS Risk Factors and Risk Reduction
This handout helps outline the most common risk factors associated with HIV/AIDS, as well as best practices for risk reduction.
HIV Power and Control Wheel
This power and control wheel includes HIV specific tactics of abuse that an abusive individual may use to maintain control over their partner.
Domestic Violence Provider Fact Sheet
This fact sheet, meant for domestic violence providers, outlines basic information about HIV/AIDS.
Combined DV/HIV Provider Fact Sheet
This fact sheet, meant for both DV and HIV/AIDS providers, gives an overview of HIV/AIDS basics, DV basics, and information about their intersection.
Collaboration Guide
This document aims to stress the importance of collaboration and cross training between DV and HIV/AIDS service providers.
Collaboration Action Plan
This collaboration action plan allows service providers to come together and create an organized commitment to building a successful collaboration. The plan includes places to discuss/record issues to address, mission statements for each organization, and specific action steps.
HIV Provider Fact Sheet
This fact sheet, meant for HIV/AIDS providers, outlines basic information about domestic violence.