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Resource library
Housing: Safety, Stability, and Dignity for Survivors of Domestic Violence Experiencing Homelessness
This resource describes the link between safe housing and improved outcomes for survivors.  Develop d by the Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Housing Models and Rent Structures
This resource highlights the three most common transitional housing models being used by the Office on Violence Against Women’s (OVW) Transitional Housing Grant program grantees.
HEARTH Act Regulations and Domestic Violence
This document addresses the 2009 Hearth Act and key issues for domestic violence programs and survivors.
Fortalecer Nuestras Practicas: Las Diez Fortalezas Esenciales de los Defensores de Víctimas de Violencia Sexual en Agencias de Auxilio de Servicio Dual/Múltiple
Esta guía tiene como objeto ayudarlo a abrirse camino por el trabajo difícil y extraordinario de proveer servicios ante violencia doméstica y violencia sexual e incluso otros servicios además de esos. Describe los diez atributos o destrezas que son esenciales para los defensores duales que trabajan con sobrevivientes de violencia sexual, y ofrece actividades, ejercicios y preguntas para ayudarlo a practicar las destrezas y explorar nuevas áreas de su práctica de servicio de auxilio.
Economic Security for Survivors
This publication is a step-by-step tool for transitional housing professionals on how to comprehensively address the economic security of survivors.
Criminal Records and Employment Rights: A Tool for Advocates Working with Survivors of Domestic Violence
Many survivors of domestic violence find themselves with criminal records, oftentimes due to coerced criminal acts, experienced at the hands of their partner. This resource helps advocates better understand employment rights of survivors with criminal records with tips and resources for survivors.
Credit History and Access to Housing for Survivors
This resource is to understand the role of consumer reports in accessing rental housing and help survivors to obtain and understand credit and tenant screening reports.
Consumer Rights Screening Tool for Domestic Violence Advocates and Lawyers
This publication provides information about consumer rights screening tools for domestic violence advocates and lawyers.
Case Manager’s Guide to Economic Security
This is a guide for advocates to understand economic security.
Building Partnerships to Enhance Consumer Rights for Domestic Violence Survivors
This tool aims to provide a starting point for attorneys and advocates interested in enhancing consumer rights for domestic violence survivors.