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Resource library
Working with Public Housing Agencies to Improve Survivors’ Access to Housing
This toolkit outlines the steps that advocates can take to improve local public housing agency (PHA) policies that affect survivors of domestic and sexual violence.
VAWA 2013 Housing Protections Webinar
Webinar from the National Housing Law Project on the VAWA 2013 Housing Protections.
Understanding the Basics of the Voluntary Services Approach
This resource provides an overview of the voluntary services approach.
Understanding HUD’s Homelessness Programs
This presentation covers the HEARTH Act, Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program, and Continuum of Care (CoC) Program.
Transitional Supportive Housing Programs: Battered Women’s Perspectives and Recommendations
This article reports on interviews with 55 key stakeholders of these programs (direct service staff, current participants, former participants, and shelter residents) to examine the degree to which TSH programs fulfill the needs of the women who use them.
Tip Sheet: Best Practices for Transitional Housing Applications and Intakes
Transitional Housing providers can use the Tip Sheet to guide them in creating housing applications and intakes for their program.
Tip Sheet: Best Practices for Setting Eligibility Criteria
Transitional Housing providers can use the Tip Sheet to guide them in setting eligibility criteria.
The Intersection of Domestic Violence and Homelessness
This article addresses the intersection of domestic violence and homelessness