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Resource library
Engaging Systems of Finance in Economic Justice – EJ Summit 2019
This presentation including five strategies for using finance for social change was delivered at the 2019 Economic Justice Summit in Houston, Texas.
Credit Unions and Unbanked Immigrants, Establishing Affordable Banking and Banking Partnerships – EJ Summit 2019
This presentation about lessons learned in serving immigrant survivors and enhancing their economic security was delivered at the 2019 Economic Justice Summit in Houston, Texas.
Engaging Employers in Building Safe and Supportive Workplaces
Sarah Gonzalez Bocinski and Aaron Polkey of Futures Without Violence delivered this presentation, which includes tools for evaluating workplace culture, policies, and practices to identify opportunities to develop a trauma-informed, survivor-centered lens.
This presentation about barriers to economic justice was shared at the third annual Economic Justice Summit hosted by National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) on June 19-20, 2019, in Houston, Texas.
Estimating the Cost of Violence Against Women – EJ Summit 2018
The Institute for Women’s Policy Research Economic Security for Survivors Project prepared this presentation with data on the costs of domestic violence as well as the limitations of current research.
Public Benefits & Domestic Violence Victims’ Economic Security – EJ Summit 2018
This brief background on the intersections of domestic violence, sexual assault and economic instability includes the legislative and administrative threats and opportunities related to public benefits programs.
This was a breakout presentation shared by Laura Glaza of The Allstate Foundation Purple Purse at the 2018 Economic Justice Summit in Las Vegas.
Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Inclusion – EJ Summit 2018
Panelists Laura Glaza from The Allstate Foundation Purple Purse, Tracey Breeden of Uber, and Wendy Bradshaw, Thirty-One Gifts, collaborated on this presentation about connecting business to social causes.