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Resource library
Understanding HUD’s Homelessness Programs
This presentation covers the HEARTH Act, Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program, and Continuum of Care (CoC) Program.
Subsidized Housing and Battered Immigrants
This presentation provides an overview of the immigration restrictions that apply to federally assisted housing.
Fair Housing Rights of Domestic and Sexual Violence Survivors
This presentation covers Fair Housing Act protections for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking, as well as advocacy strategies.
The New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NYSCADV) prepared this presentation and compiled the accompanying resources, drawing upon NYSCADV’s experience providing trainings for disaster response workers.
Updates in the Credit Industry: What’s New – EJ Summit 2019
Melinda Croes of Credit Builders Alliance delivered this presentation at the 2019 Economic Justice Summit in Houston, Texas.
Working Hard for the Money: Considerations for Survivors’ Safety, Privacy, and Economic Empowerment in the Gig Economy – EJ Summit 2019
Kara Rhodebeck of NNEDV's Economic Justice Team and Corbin Streett, Technsology Safety Specialist with NNEDV's Safety Net project, delivered this presentation at the 2019 Economic Justice Summit in Houston, Texas.
Showing Up: How We See, Speak, and Disrupt Racial Inequity Facing Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence – EJ Summit 2019
Lisalyn Jacobs of Just Solutions and Mona Muro of the Texas Coalition Against Family Violence delivered this presentation at the 2019 Economic Justice Summit in Houston, Texas.
The Economic Effects of Abuse: Findings from a National Survey – EJ Summit 2019
Cynthia Hess of the Institute for Women’s Policy Research  delivered this presentation about a landmark report, "Dreams Deferred: A Survey on the Impact of Intimate Partner Violence on Survivors’ Education, Careers, and Economic Security," at the 2019 Economic Justice Summit in Houston, Texas.
Survivor Voices & Compensation – EJ Summit 2019
Lisa Pous of SAFE (Stop Abuse for Everyone) delivered this presentation at the 2019 Economic Justice Summit in Houston, Texas.