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Survivors can't wait. Congress must support the CVF Stabilization Act and prevent catastro [Read More]

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임시주거 툴킷 문서 용어집
Transitional Housing providers can use the Toolkit Glossary as part of their program materials. The template can be modified to fit the needs of your program.
모범관행 서식: 개인 목표 계획서
Transitional Housing providers can use the Template Goal Setting Tool as part of their program materials. The template can be modified to fit the needs of your program.
템플릿: 참가자 확인 서신
Transitional Housing providers can use the Template Participant Verification Letter as part of their program materials. The template can be modified to fit the needs of your program.
템플릿: 집주인에게 보내는 편지
Transitional Housing providers can use the Template Letter to the Landlord as part of their program materials. The template can be modified to fit the needs of your program.
[예시] 문서 보존 정책과 절차
Transitional Housing providers can use the Template Document Retention Policy as part of their program materials. The template can be modified to fit the needs of your program.
서식: 클라이언트 제한적 정보 공개 양식
Transitional Housing providers can use the Template Client Limited Release of Information Form as part of their program materials. The template can be modified to fit the needs of your program.
임시주거 프로그램 서비스 신청 거절에 대한 진정서
Transitional Housing providers can use the Template Appeal Process as part of their program materials. The template can be modified to fit the needs of your program.