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  • [COVID-19] Lifting of Stay-Home Orders – Recommendations

    As states move forward to lift their stay-at-home orders and open up businesses, domestic violence programs will need to adapt to this changing environment. Most communities will be gradually re-opening businesses and services over the next several months, and while this will look different for each state or territory, created by Washington State Coalition Against […]

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  • NNEDV Quarterly Coalition Calls – Calendar

    Here you will find a calendar of the quarterly coalition calls offered by NNEDV. This page will be updated regularly – so check back often!

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  • COVID-19 Coalition Calls (August 2020)

    This series of calls are in response to how to properly address various COVID-19 issues. Below is a list of the different calls, as well as links to the recordings, with information on the topics that were covered in August. August 11, 2020: Click Here for the 8/11/2020 Recording  Learn from Coalition colleagues about how they […]

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  • [COVID-19] Reopening Guidance

    Here you will find sample guidance from coalitions regarding responsible and safe reopening procedures as it relates to the COVID-19 virus. WSCADV’s guidanace can be found in the following: Webinar Recording Re-Opening Phase Table Guidance to DV Programs on Partial Lifting of Stay-Home Orders & COVID-19   NCCADV & NCCASA’s Response to Updated Stay at […]

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  • [COVID-19] Cares Act Relief Payment

    As per the CARES Act of 2020, the Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) are providing payment relief to individuals in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Domestic violence advocates have raised a number of concerns about barriers that survivors will face accessing the funds to which they are entitled. Unfortunately, at this time, […]

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  • [COVID-19] Residential Services during a Pandemic

    This link is from a recent Transitional Housing TA call where Dr. Josh Barocas, a specialist in infectious disease from Boston, answers questions from local domestic violence residential programs about how to provide services during the pandemic.

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  • [COVID-19] Staff Care During COVID-19

    The Vermont Network shares with us their sample guidance for staff support during the time of COVID-19 using the following “Four Tenets of Supporting Staff.” Connection Information Trust Permission For the purposes of this report, these are described within the context of the COVID emergency, however these are the tenets for their work together every […]

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  • COVID-19 Coalition Calls (July 2020)

    This series of calls are in response to how to properly address various COVID-19 issues at different levels for the month of July. Below is a list of the different calls, as well as links to the recordings, with information on the topics that were covered in each call. July 28, 2020: Click here for […]

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