Homicide Response Plan
Provided by End Domestic Abuse WI, the objective of this document is to provide a framework for domestic violence programs to develop a plan for how they will respond to a homicide in their community, whether the victim had been a client or not. Additionally, many of the elements of this plan can be adapted […]
A National Portrait of Restorative Approaches to Intimate Partner Violence
After nearly two and half years of surveying, interviewing and observing practitioners daring to do this work, the Center for Court Innovation compiled their data, impressions and findings in a final report entitled, A National Portrait of Restorative Approaches to Intimate Partner Violence: Pathways to Healing, Safety and Well-being. This project was funded by OVW.
Disaster Response and Emergency Financial Assistance
Parts I & II will explore how natural disasters affect domestic violence rates, including the impact on survivors and programs. It will discusses the Texas Report, as well. You will also receive the special perspective from state administrators and programs. Accompanying documents include: Black Feminism and Radical Planning: New Directions for Disaster Planning Research Understanding […]
[COVID-19] Residential Services during a Pandemic
This link is from a recent Transitional Housing TA call where Dr. Josh Barocas, a specialist in infectious disease from Boston, answers questions from local domestic violence residential programs about how to provide services during the pandemic.
(Sample) West Virginia Coalition Against Domestic Violence Advocate Certification Manual
Certification of domestic violence advocates helps to assure competent delivery of services throughout the state by increasing capacity to assess and respond to complex individual, family, & social circumstances. Certification also strengthens credibility of and need for advocacy services in other systems: criminal justice, social services, law enforcement, health care, education, etc. WVCADV Domestic Violence […]