COVID-19 Coalition Calls (June 2020)
These series of calls are in response to how to properly address various COVID-19 issues at different levels for the month of June. Below is a list of the different calls, as well as links to the recordings, with information on the topics that were covered in each call. June 16, 2020: Click Here for […]
Monitoring of State Administering Agencies
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[COVID-19] Cares Act Relief Payment
As per the CARES Act of 2020, the Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) are providing payment relief to individuals in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Domestic violence advocates have raised a number of concerns about barriers that survivors will face accessing the funds to which they are entitled. Unfortunately, at this time, […]
Job Descriptions: Grant Manager/Specialist
Here you will find job descriptions for grant manager positions, including specialists. Sample descriptions are provided by the state and territorial coalitions.
Survivor Financial Assistance
The following resources are provided by the Delaware Criminal Justice Council regarding financial assistance available to survivors and their families. Both the policy and the application are provided below. The application is what is shared with a survivor once a need is apparent, and the policy is more for the agency to have parameters in […]