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domestic violence

  • Domestic Violence Resource Guide

    This resource guide provides basics information on domestic violence, as well as links to find additional information on domestic violence. This resource can be a good starting place for thinking about the intersection of domestic violence and HIV.

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  • History of the DV Movement

    Explore the history of the Domestic Violence Movement by reading: “A Living History (1973-1993): How the Experiences of Early Activists Shaped the Violence Against Women (VAW) Movement in Ontario: A Case Study” and “Lessons Learned and Wisdom Gathered” by Deborah Ann Sinclair

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  • Barriers to Safety and Recovery …With Partner Violence and Opioid Use Disorder Experiences

    This is a qualitative research study (N=33) that investigated barriers to substance use treatment, and partner violence helping services, among women who had experienced both opioid use disorder (OUD) and intimate partner violence (IPV) in Vermont. A major finding was the lack of integrated substance use treatment and domestic violence services was a substantial barrier. […]

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  • OVW Special Condition – Workplace Sexual Misconduct and Dating Violence

    Here is a resource on the OVW special conditions on policies addressing sexual misconduct, dating and domestic violence that coalitions and programs need to adopt for their VAWA and VOCA grant awards.

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