Sample Subpoena and Record Request Policies
Programs often receive requests for information about a client, the services that client has received, and even the client’s status or progress in counseling. Sometimes, the steps in responding to those requests are clear. Other times programs need legal assistance to respond. Here you will find some sample policies provided by local, state, and territorial […]
A National Portrait of Restorative Approaches to Intimate Partner Violence
After nearly two and half years of surveying, interviewing and observing practitioners daring to do this work, the Center for Court Innovation compiled their data, impressions and findings in a final report entitled, A National Portrait of Restorative Approaches to Intimate Partner Violence: Pathways to Healing, Safety and Well-being. This project was funded by OVW.
Domestic Violence and Child Abuse: Definitions by State
Child abuse and neglect are defined by Federal and State laws. At the State level, child abuse and neglect may be defined in both civil and criminal statutes. This publication presents civil definitions that determine the grounds for intervention by State child protective agencies.1 At the Federal level, the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act […]