Brazilian Portuguese
Transitional Housing Toolkit
This toolkit is meant to provide transitional housing providers with easy access to information and resources to enhance services to survivors. The information provided here addresses frequently asked questions, common challenges, best practices, templates for adaptation, and resources for additional information and assistance. Please select a category to access the resources for that topic. Contact Us for […]
Modelo de práticas recomendadas: Processo e formulário de queixa
This Template Grievance Procedure (Portuguese) form is part of the Transitional Housing Toolkit and meant to provide transitional housing providers with a variety of resources and templates to enhance their work.
Modelo de carta para o proprietário
This Template Letter to the Landlord (Portuguese) form is part of the Transitional Housing Toolkit and meant to provide transitional housing providers with a variety of resources and templates to enhance their work.
Building Our Capacity to Serve LGBTQ Survivors–Webinar
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Building Our Capacity to Serve Alaskan Native Survivors-Webinar
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Modelo de práticas recomendadas: Candidatura a alojamento
This Template Application (Portuguese) form is part of the Transitional Housing Toolkit and meant to provide transitional housing providers with a variety of resources and templates to enhance their work.
Recurso de indeferimento de candidatura a serviços do Programa de Alojamento Provisório
This Template Appeal Process (Portuguese) form is part of the Transitional Housing Toolkit and meant to provide transitional housing providers with a variety of resources and templates to enhance their work.
Modelo de Carta de Verificação do Participante
This Template Participant Verification Letter (Portuguese) form is part of the Transitional Housing Toolkit and meant to provide transitional housing providers with a variety of resources and templates to enhance their work.
Modelo de práticas recomendadas: Guia de planeamento pessoal
This Personal Planning Guide (Portuguese) form is part of the Transitional Housing Toolkit and meant to provide transitional housing providers with a variety of resources and templates to enhance their work.
Modelo de práticas recomendadas: Pedido de prolongamento da estadia
This Template Housing Extension Waiver (Portuguese) form is part of the Transitional Housing Toolkit and meant to provide transitional housing providers with a variety of resources and templates to enhance their work.
Modelo de práticas recomendadas: Pacote de boas-vindas
This Template Welcome Packet (Portuguese) form is part of the Transitional Housing Toolkit and meant to provide transitional housing providers with a variety of resources and templates to enhance their work.
Modelo de práticas recomendadas: Guia de admissão
This Template Intake Guide (Portuguese) form is part of the Transitional Housing Toolkit and meant to provide transitional housing providers with a variety of resources and templates to enhance their work.
Glossário dos documentos do kit de ferramentas de Alojamento Provisório
This Toolkit Glossary (Portuguese) is part of the Transitional Housing Toolkit and meant to provide transitional housing providers with a variety of resources and templates to enhance their work.
Acesso de sobreviventes de agressão sexual a serviços no âmbito do Programa de financiamento de moradias transitórias do Office on Violence Against Women
Atendendo às necessidades de moradia e serviços de apoio dos sobreviventes de violência sexual no seu programa de moradia transitória
Joint Statement from Civil Society on the 75th Anniversary of the UDHR