Tracking Subrecipient Awards for Compliance with FVPSA Formula Requirements
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Serving Survivors with Disabilities
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NNEDV Cultural Webinar Series
Date Topic Presenter(s) Link March 26 LGBTQ Communities National LGBTQ Institute/NW Network Click Here May 20 Native American Communities NIWRC & AKNWRC Click Here May 27 Alaskan Native Communities NIWRC & AKNWRC Click Here June 18 Asian-Pacific Islander Communities APIGBV Click Here August 12 Persons with Disabilities Communities – Pt.1 Vera Institute for Justice […]
NNEDV Coalition Fundraising Training: Events Toolkit PPT
With generous support from Gilead Sciences, NNEDV presented staff at state and territorial coalitions with a training to help maximize fundraising efforts on September 23, 2021. Participants learned best practices for planning live—and virtual—events, from budgeting to sponsorship to program planning and more. View the webinar here. Presented by Stephanie Alston (Do Good Events). Fundraising and […]
NNEDV Coalition Fundraising Training: Foundation Prospecting PPT
With generous support from Gilead Sciences, NNEDV presented staff at state and territorial coalitions with a training to help maximize foundation prospecting efforts on October 14, 2021. Participants learned tips and strategies for seeking out and successfully applying for corporate and foundation grants. View the webinar here. Presented by Darian Rodriguez Heyman and Robin Sukhadia.
Domestic Violence in the Military Webinar Series
These webinars will discuss the following aspects of providing services to military affiliated victims: Getting to know the military population Overview of the Family Advocacy Program (FAP) Understanding military reporting options The Military Coordinated Community Response (CCR) Learn about military-specific risk and protective factors for experiencing IPV (domestic abuse) Understand the need for military-civilian partnerships […]
NNEDV Quarterly Coalition Calls – Calendar
Here you will find a calendar of the quarterly coalition calls offered by NNEDV. This page will be updated regularly – so check back often!
Preparándose para la Corte / Preparing for Court Video Series
1. Before Filing a Case / Antes de Presentar un Caso Things to consider and do before filing a court case We discuss things to consider before filing a court case, including specific issues related to domestic violence and how to gather and prepare evidence for the case. Cosas que debe considerar y hacer antes […]
Custodia, Visitación y Manutención de Menores / Custody, Visitation, and Child Support Video Series
1. Custody and Visitation Basics / Información Básica de Custodia y Visitación This video explains the various types of custody and visitation and things survivors of domestic violence should consider when they are involved in a custody or visitation case. Este video explica los distintos tipos de custodia y visitación y las cosas que debe […]
Visa U para Víctimas del Crimen / U Visa for Crime Victims Video Series
1. ¿Qué es una visa U? / What is a U visa? Part 1 covers basic information about how and why the U visa was created as well as who qualifies for a U visa. You can find additional information in the Immigration section of WomensLaw – on this page in particular. En esta parte, […]
COVID-19 Coalition Calls (May 2020)
These series of calls are in response to how to properly address various COVID-19 issues at different levels for the month of May. Below is a list of the different calls, as well as links to the recordings, with information on the topics that were covered in each call. May 12, 2020: Click Here for […]
The Moving Ahead Curriculum – Spanish
The Moving Ahead Curriculum
Since 2005, NNEDV and The Allstate Foundation have partnered to deliver trainings and information through The Moving Ahead Grant Program. We’ve provided funding to state domestic violence coalitions (in almost every state and territory) that work with local programs to train advocates, with grant focus areas including matched savings programs, financial education, micro-enterprise, job readiness […]
Court Advocacy
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The Allstate Foundation Webinar Series: Living Wage Work – PPT
PowerPoint for The Allstate Foundation Webinar Series: Living Wage Work.
The Economic Effects of Abuse: Findings from a National Survey – EJ Summit 2019
Cynthia Hess of the Institute for Women’s Policy Research delivered this presentation about a landmark report, “Dreams Deferred: A Survey on the Impact of Intimate Partner Violence on Survivors’ Education, Careers, and Economic Security,” at the 2019 Economic Justice Summit in Houston, Texas.
Updates in the Credit Industry: What’s New – EJ Summit 2019
Melinda Croes of Credit Builders Alliance delivered this presentation at the 2019 Economic Justice Summit in Houston, Texas.
Showing Up: How We See, Speak, and Disrupt Racial Inequity Facing Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence – EJ Summit 2019
Lisalyn Jacobs of Just Solutions and Mona Muro of the Texas Coalition Against Family Violence delivered this presentation at the 2019 Economic Justice Summit in Houston, Texas.
2022 NNEDV Leadership Summit
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Succession Planning
“All nonprofit sexual assault and domestic violence organizations can benefit from succession planning, regardless of their size… Developing and implementing a succession plan can further build and strengthen your organization by enhancing and creating a learning orientation for your board and staff, building the capacity of your organization’s operations, and enhancing your organization’s services to […]
Executive Leadership
“Leaders are visionaries with a poorly developed sense of fear and no concept of the odds against them. They make the impossible happen.” This section contains resources related to executive leadership, including employment agreements, compensation policies, and interview questions for ED candidates from coalitions across the country.
Boards of Directors
“In contrast, nonprofit organizations do not have shareholders but instead have stakeholders that represent the communities that they serve, including donors, funders, and survivors. The nonprofit board of directors will generally represent their varied constituency and make decisions based on these multiple interests.” This section includes resources for and about nonprofit boards, particularly boards of […]
Disaster Response and Emergency Financial Assistance
Parts I & II will explore how natural disasters affect domestic violence rates, including the impact on survivors and programs. It will discusses the Texas Report, as well. You will also receive the special perspective from state administrators and programs. Accompanying documents include: Black Feminism and Radical Planning: New Directions for Disaster Planning Research Understanding […]
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[COVID-19] Residential Services during a Pandemic
This link is from a recent Transitional Housing TA call where Dr. Josh Barocas, a specialist in infectious disease from Boston, answers questions from local domestic violence residential programs about how to provide services during the pandemic.
The Allstate Foundation Webinar Series: The Economic Impact of Social Determinants of Health – PPT
PowerPoint for The Allstate Foundation Webinar Series: The Economic Impact of Social Determinants of Health.
Building Our Capacity to Serve Asian and Pacific Islander Communities and Survivors
Presented by Grace Huang from the Asian Pacific Institute on Gender Violence, this webinar discusses the need for culturally specific service provision and how to access the needed resources: Click here for the webinar recording Below are links to some of the resources that were discussed in the chatbox: AAPI Data website API-GBV resources
Anti-Racism is Fundamental to Sexual Assault Services
This conversation with three Technical Assistance Providers reflects on how to both personally and organizationally, regularly build new skills in order to build new practices that are embedded with a deep commitment to unlearning and disrupting all forms of oppression—and very specifically racism in order to enhance our sexual assault services to survivors.
Culturally Relevant Services for Tribal Communities and Communities of Color
This roundtable discussion explores conversation about the effectiveness of culturally specific services provided to sexual assault survivors and the outreach strategies for our communities.
COVID-19 Coalition Calls (July 2020)
This series of calls are in response to how to properly address various COVID-19 issues at different levels for the month of July. Below is a list of the different calls, as well as links to the recordings, with information on the topics that were covered in each call. July 28, 2020: Click here for […]
PPT – FinTech
PowerPoint for the webinar: FinTech
Ensuring Accessibility of RFP/Solicitations for State FVPSA Funds
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The Allstate Foundation Webinar Series: Debt Consolidation & Debt Dispute – PPT
PowerPoint for The Allstate Foundation Webinar Series: Debt Consolidation & Debt Dispute.
The Allstate Foundation Webinar Series: Independence Project Overview: Credit-building through Micro-Lending – PPT
PowerPoint for The Allstate Foundation Webinar Series: Independence Project Overview: Credit-building through Micro-Lending.
Órdenes de Protección / Protection Orders Video Series
1. Protection Orders – How They Work / Cómo Funcionan las Órdenes de Protección What is a protection order and how can it help you? We discuss what a protection order is and the types of protections that can be included in an order. We also cover some safety considerations for survivors to think about […]
Divorcio / Divorce Video Series
1. Divorce – Requirements / Divorcio – Requisitos What are the requirements for a divorce? This is the first part in a series of videos about divorce that are narrated in Spanish with English subtitles. It includes basic information about the grounds and residency requirements for a divorce. ¿Cuáles son los requisitos para un divorcio? […]
Building Our Capacity to Serve Black Survivors
This webinar will give insight to who Ujima is, what they do, culturally specific needs of black survivors, and ways you can help at the coalition level and as a FVPSA state administrator. Click here for the webinar recording Click here for the webinar evaluation
The Allstate Foundation Webinar Series: CTC Outreach and the Get CTC Portal – PPT
PowerPoint for The Allstate Foundation Webinar Series: CTC Outreach and the Get CTC Portal
NNEDV Coalition Fundraising Training: Online Fundraising PPT
With generous support from Gilead Sciences, NNEDV presented staff at state and territorial coalitions with a training to help maximize fundraising efforts on October 6, 2021. Participants learned best practices for using email, social media, text messages, and websites to successfully engage individual donors. View the webinar here. Presented by Darian Rodriguez Heyman and Robin […]
Moving Ahead Curriculum Training Opportunities – PPT
PowerPoint for the webinar: Moving Ahead Curriculum Training Opportunities
FVPSA Formula Grantee Trainings – December 2020
FVPSA Tribal Grantee Training – Application/Budget Development Recording Link (51 minutes) Recording password: 3rFPMN5m FVPSA State Administrator Training – Application Development Recording Link (42 minutes) Recording password: Qb36x3PJ FVPSA Tribal Grantee – PPR Training Recording Link (1 hour 14 minutes) Recording password: Ch8dhRd2 FVPSA States/Coalitions Refresher on State Planning and Needs Assessments Recording Link (1 hour 22 minutes) Recording […]
DV and Tax in the Pandemic: COVID Relief Payments, Advanced CTC, and Beyond
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Building a Match Savings Program – PPT
PowerPoint for the webinar: Building a Match Savings Program
DV and Tax in the Pandemic: COVID Relief Payments, Advanced CTC, and Beyond
Nancy A. Rossner, Senior Staff Attoryey from the Community Tax Law Project LITC, shares her thoughts on the COVID Relief payments, including the Child Tax Credit and other implications of recent economic policies.
PPT – Helping Families Get Stimulus & Child Tax Credit Payments
PowerPoint for the webinar: Helping Families Get Stimulus & Child Tax Credit Payments
Purple Purse Updates – EJ Summit 2018
This was a breakout presentation shared by Laura Glaza of The Allstate Foundation Purple Purse at the 2018 Economic Justice Summit in Las Vegas.
Transforming the Economic Landscape Facing Survivors: Advancing Racial & Economic Equity – EJ Summit 2018
Lisalyn Jacobs, Policy and Legal Director at the Center for Survivor Agency & Justice, designed this presentation to (re)tell survivor stories that unearth the connection between race inequity and economic opportunity and create Equity Ambassadors who develop strategies that respond to the individual, organizational, and structural inequities facing survivors. It was shared at the 2018 Economic Justice Summit in […]
Curriculum: Intersection of Domestic Violence and Natural Disasters – EJ Summit 2018
Nasim Sarabandi of the New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NYSCADV) prepared this presentation and compiled the accompanying resources, drawing upon NYSCADV’s experience providing trainings for disaster response workers. Highlights include the intersection between disaster and domestic violence and ideas for developing ways to assess, support and safety plan for victims of domestic violence in […]
Navigating FEMA and the Small Business Administration – EJ Summit 2018
Nasim Sarabandi of the New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NYSCADV) prepared this presentation, which draws upon NYSCADV’s experience providing trainings for disaster response workers. Highlights include the intersection between disaster and domestic violence and ideas for developing ways to assess, support and safety plan for victims of domestic violence in disasters. It was shared at […]
Natural Disaster: The Impact on Already Marginalized Communities – EJ Summit 2018
Zulma Oliveras, Coordinadora Paz para la Mujer; Gloria Terry, Texas Council on Family Violence (TCFV); Andrew VanSingel, American Bar Association (ABA) Young Lawyers Division; and moderator Nasim Sarabandi, New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NYSCADV) collaborated on this presentation, which includes information on legal services for survivors and the impact of recent hurricanes on […]
Emergency Shelter
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Legal Issues
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What Does #MeToo Mean for Survivors’ Employment Rights? – EJ Summit 2018
This PowerPoint was presented by Lisalyn R. Jacobs, CEO of Just Solutions and Interim Legal & Policy Director and the Center for Survivor Agency and Justice, at the 2018 Economic Justice Summit in Las Vegas, NV.
Developing Monitoring Tools
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Monitoring of State Administering Agencies
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Funding Towards Equity
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Contracts Vs Grants
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Performance Measuring and Outcomes
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Sustainability of Local Programs
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Grants & Funders
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Overview of Monitoring
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OVW Grants
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Intro to NNEDV
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Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Inclusion – EJ Summit 2018
Panelists Laura Glaza from The Allstate Foundation Purple Purse, Tracey Breeden of Uber, and Wendy Bradshaw, Thirty-One Gifts, collaborated on this presentation about connecting business to social causes. It was shared at the 2018 Economic Justice Summit in Las Vegas, NV.
HUD Continuum of Care, Housing Advocacy & Housing Stability Funds – EJ Summit 2019
The following experts participated in a panel at the 2019 Economic Justice Summit in Houston, Texas: Debbie Fox, NNEDV (moderator) Krista Del Gallo, Texas Coalition Against Family Violence Talia Kahn-Kravis, Credit Builders Alliance, and Rachna Khara, Daya Houston
Working Hard for the Money: Considerations for Survivors’ Safety, Privacy, and Economic Empowerment in the Gig Economy – EJ Summit 2019
Kara Rhodebeck of NNEDV’s Economic Justice Team and Corbin Streett, Technsology Safety Specialist with NNEDV’s Safety Net project, delivered this presentation at the 2019 Economic Justice Summit in Houston, Texas.
Engaging Systems of Finance in Economic Justice – EJ Summit 2019
Tia Subramanian of the Criterion Institute delivered this presentation at the 2019 Economic Justice Summit in Houston, Texas. Content included five strategies for using finance for social change.
Credit Unions and Unbanked Immigrants, Establishing Affordable Banking and Banking Partnerships – EJ Summit 2019
This presentation about lessons learned in serving immigrant survivors and enhancing their economic security was delivered by Zebulon Beilke-McCallum of the Iowa Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Paige Diner of Cities for Financial Empowerment Fund, Holly Melzer of People’s Place, Inc., SAFE Program, and Jaimie Miller of Iowa Credit Union Foundation at the 2019 Economic Justice […]
Providing Holistic Financial Empowerment to Marginalized Survivors – EJ Summit 2019
Addressing financial abuse can be difficult for any survivor, but individuals who are immigrants, undocumented, have limited English proficiency, or those who belong to historically marginalized communities often encounter many additional obstacles to achieving safety and financial self-sufficiency. This session provided self-care steps to help anyone feeling overwhelmed to create financial plans. Shari Bloomberg of […]
Understanding HUD’s Homelessness Programs
This presentation covers the HEARTH Act, Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program, and Continuum of Care (CoC) Program. Author/source: National Alliance to End Homelessness.
Subsidized Housing and Battered Immigrants
Transitional Housing providers can use the Tip Sheet to guide them in setting eligibility criteria. Author/source: The National Housing Law Project.
Fair Housing Rights of Domestic and Sexual Violence Survivors
This presentation covers Fair Housing Act protections for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking, as well as advocacy strategies. Author/source: National Housing Law Project and ACLU Women’s Rights Project.
Engaging Employers in Building Safe and Supportive Workplaces
Sarah Gonzalez Bocinski and Aaron Polkey of Futures Without Violence delivered this presentation, which includes tools for evaluating workplace culture, policies, and practices to identify opportunities to develop a trauma-informed, survivor-centered lens. It was shared at the third annual Economic Justice Summit hosted by National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) on June 19-20, 2019, […]
Economic Justice: Living in the Margins – EJ Summit 2019
Pronita Gupta of the Center for Law and Social Policy was the moderator for this session about barriers to economic justice featuring Laura Perez-Boston of the Workers Defense Project, Jessica Howton of the Tahirih Justice Center, and Venita Ray of the Positive Women’s Network. It was shared at the third annual Economic Justice Summit hosted […]
Survivor Voices & Compensation – EJ Summit 2019
Lisa Pous of SAFE (Stop Abuse for Everyone) delivered this presentation at the 2019 Economic Justice Summit in Houston, Texas.
Estimating the Cost of Violence Against Women – EJ Summit 2018
The Institute for Women’s Policy Research Economic Security for Survivors Project prepared this presentation with data on the costs of domestic violence as well as the limitations of current research. It was shared at the 2018 Economic Justice Summit in Las Vegas, NV.
Paid Sick and Safe Leave: Helping Survivors & Their Families Stay Safe Without Losing a Job or Paycheck – EJ Summit 2018
The objective of this presentation by Kate Wutchiett of Legal Aid at Work and Melisa Acoba of the California Work and Family Coalition explains emerging legal protections for survivors in the workplace. It was shared at the 2018 Economic Justice Summit in Las Vegas, NV.
VOCA and Housing: Successes, Challenges, and Tips – EJ Summit 2018
This PowerPoint was prepared by Stevi Gray, Colorado Coalition Against Domestic Violence; Kimberly Parker, The Alliance; Debbie Fox, National Network to End Domestic Violence; and Anne Menard, National Resource Center on Domestic Violence. Highlights include flexible funding for survivor housing and Colorado’s experience using Victim of Crime Act Funds. It was shared at the 2018 Economic Justice Summit in Las […]
What Domestic Violence Advocates Need to Know About Federal Policy – EJ Summit 2018
This presentation by Monica McLaughlin, NNEDV Director of Public Policy, provides an overview of federal advocacy and local advocates role in impacting it. It was shared at the 2018 Economic Justice Summit in Las Vegas, NV.
Economic Recovery – A Look Back & Forward at Nevada’s Experience – EJ Summit 2018
This presentation was created by Francine Lipman, University of Las Vegas, Boyd School of Law; Julie Proctor, S.A.F.E. House; and Jillian Prieto, Esq., Women’s Development Center. It includes Lipman’s segment on Economic Justice & Taxes:An Overview of Options. It was shared at the 2018 Economic Justice Summit in Las Vegas, NV.
Public Benefits & Domestic Violence Victims’ Economic Security – EJ Summit 2018
Lisalyn Jacobs, CEO of Just Solutions, and Anne Menard of the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence collaborated on this brief background on the intersections of domestic violence, sexual assault and economic instability, which includes legislative and administrative threats and opportunities related to public benefits programs. It was shared at the 2018 Economic Justice Summit […]
It’s Not Just Luck: Innovative Approaches to Economic Justice for Survivors – EJ Summit 2018
Laura Jones and Danielle Brower of the Kansas Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence shared a presentation detailing Kansas’ Journey to Implement a Statewide Economic Empowerment Program. Traci Underwood and Kendra Gritsch of the Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence (WSCADV) shared a presentation on the organization’s experience implementing Housing First and pursuing a multi-dimensional […]
Let’s Talk About Supporting Immigrant Survivors – EJ Summit 2018
This presentation from Mona Muro and Krista Del Gallo of the Texas Council on Family Violence discusses changes in the landscape for immigrants, such as executive orders and enforcement, and how this impacts survivors. It was shared at the 2018 Economic Justice Summit in Las Vegas, NV.
Creating Enthusiasm for Economic Justice: A Local Program Perspective – EJ Summit 2018
Ta’Nika Ellington of the Peace River Center and Laura Stadler-Tobaben of SAFEHOME, Inc., created this presentation about economic advocacy for survivors. It was shared at the 2018 Economic Justice Summit in Las Vegas, NV.