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  • Conversation Guide: Starting the Discussion About HIV/AIDS

    Domestic violence services providers play an important role in starting conversations about HIV/AIDS. Women and men experiencing domestic violence are often limited in their ability to negotiate safe sex practices, thereby increasing their chances of contracting HIV/AIDS. Starting the conversation about a person’s risk of HIV/AIDS, or about living with HIV/AIDS, is an important part […]

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  • Court Advocacy

    Judge and gavel
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  • Financial Management and Finance Policies

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  • LGBTQ Survivors

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  • Thoughtful Documentation: Model Forms for Domestic and Sexual Violence Agencies

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  • (Sample) West Virginia Coalition Against Domestic Violence Advocate Certification Manual

    Certification of domestic violence advocates helps to assure competent delivery of services throughout the state by increasing capacity to assess and respond to complex individual, family, & social circumstances. Certification also strengthens credibility of and need for advocacy services in other systems: criminal justice, social services, law enforcement, health care, education, etc. WVCADV Domestic Violence […]

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  • Boards of Directors

    “In contrast, nonprofit organizations do not have shareholders but instead have stakeholders that represent the communities that they serve, including donors, funders, and survivors. The nonprofit board of directors will generally represent their varied constituency and make decisions based on these multiple interests.” This section includes resources for and about nonprofit boards, particularly boards of […]

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  • Coalitions Directory

    “This resource…provide(s) detailed information about coalition structures, membership, budget and grant operations, pass through funding and specialty programming.  It is intended for coalition members only.” Here you will find the most recent update of coalition directory, as well as the expanded directory with in-depth information compiled in 2015.

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  • Succession Planning

    “All nonprofit sexual assault and domestic violence organizations can benefit from succession planning, regardless of their size… Developing and implementing a succession plan can further build and strengthen your organization by enhancing and creating a learning orientation for your board and staff, building the capacity of your organization’s operations, and enhancing your organization’s services to […]

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  • OVW Grants

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  • Specific Populations

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  • Emergency Shelter

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  • Children Exposed to DV

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  • Trauma

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  • Prevention

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  • Grants Management

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  • Grants & Funders

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  • Direct DV Services

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