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[COVID-19] Reopening Guidance


Here you will find sample guidance from coalitions regarding responsible and safe reopening procedures as it relates to the COVID-19 virus.

WSCADV’s guidanace can be found in the following:


NCCADV & NCCASA’s Response to Updated Stay at Home Order and Accompanying Guidance on Continuing to Telework: click here

Language to use instead of “re-opening”

 They say: We’ve got to reopen now. The cure is worse than the disease.

Avoid using the words open and re-open because that puts you in their message frame. They center “economy” and “their right to do what they want.” We center people and keeping each other safe, making sure we have what we need to get and stay well.

You say: 

  • It is our jobs to keep people safe, and to help with relief and recovery. We should not sacrifice anyone’s health or lives for profit or urgency. We need to make sure it’s safe for people to get back to work, for kids to go back to school, etc.
  • Thanks to the proactive actions and stay-at-home orders by leaders like [fill in the blank with relevant state leader potentially], we are seeing a positive correlation between these measures and infection rates in some areas. To stop these measures now would be a mistake that costs hundreds, if not thousands, of lives.
  • Continuing physical distancing measures now and pulling them back carefully when it’s time will help us better manage Coronavirus when it comes back this fall.

Downloadable Resources

(Sample) MCADSV Responsible Re-Entry Download