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Transgender Day of Remembrance

November 19, 2024 | Return to REACH Hub
Ver la página en Español: Día de la Memoria Transgénero

Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) serves as a vital moment to honor the memory of transgender people whose lives were lost due to acts of anti-transgender violence. This day is especially important for the transgender Latin@ community, which faces unique challenges and heightened risks due to abusers weaponizing the intersection of their gender identity, ethnicity, and, often, immigration status. Commemorating TDOR not only provides a space for mourning but also raises awareness about the violence and discrimination faced by transgender people.

Challenges Faced by the Transgender Latin@ Community

Transgender people in the Latin@ community face a complex interplay of challenges that compound their vulnerabilities and marginalization. Language barriers can often hinder their access to essential services, including health care and legal support. Discrimination is prevalent, both within broader society and within their own communities, leading to social isolation and a lack of acceptance. The absence of inclusive policies and representation exacerbates their marginalization.

Stories of Resilience and Hope within the Latin@ Transgender Community

The transgender Latin@ community navigates intersecting identities that encompass both cultural and gender experiences. With this rich background, their stories of resilience and hope shine brightly. Many in the community emerge as powerful advocates, creating spaces of inclusivity and understanding. Pioneers in the movement include Bamby Salcedo, Arianna Innuritegui-Lint, and Lorena Borjas. Through grassroots organizations and community events, they foster environments where identity and culture can be celebrated simultaneously. Personal narratives often highlight triumph over adversity, with people finding strength in their heritage while embracing their true selves.

Community Support and Advocacy Efforts for Transgender Latin@s

Community support and advocacy efforts for transgender Latin@s are vital in addressing the unique challenges faced by this marginalized group. Organizations across the United States are working tirelessly to provide resources and safe spaces for transgender Latin@s, emphasizing the intersectionality of race, ethnicity, and gender identity. Organizations like the TransLatin@ Coalition and the Latino Equity Alliance strive to amplify their voices, advocate for their rights, and highlight the violence that disproportionately affects them.

Ways to Support and Advocate for Transgender Rights

Supporting and advocating for transgender rights involves a commitment to understanding and amplifying transgender voices. To be an ally, it’s important to educate yourself about the challenges and discrimination that transgender people face. Knowledge fosters empathy and empowers informed advocacy. Engaging in conversations about transgender issues, both online and offline, helps raise awareness and challenge misinformation and stereotypes.

Supporting transgender people in personal and professional spaces, such as by using their correct names and pronouns, reinforces their dignity and identity. Additionally, advocating for policies that protect transgender rights, like anti-discrimination laws and health care access, is essential. Participating in events, rallies, and fundraisers for transgender causes shows solidarity and support.

Honoring the lives and legacies of transgender people on Transgender Day of Remembrance is an act of acknowledgment and respect. It provides an opportunity to reflect on the contributions and rich histories of those in the transgender community who have tragically lost their lives to violence and prejudice. By remembering those who have died, we not only acknowledge their struggles but also celebrate their courage and resilience.

To read more about Transgender Day of Remembrance and learn how you can get involved, visit